Thursday, November 28, 2019

Artificial Intelligence Essay Example

Artificial Intelligence Essay Example Artificial Intelligence Essay Artificial Intelligence Essay Artificial intelligence is a growing development in daily life. From new computers to advanced cybernetic organisms, Artificial intelligence is leading the way in making human life easier. A common misunderstanding with artificial intelligence is that the created has to be capable of thought and actions, where as it is as simple as gathering and processing data. With research and development growing and private companies expanding their capabilities, artificial intelligence is being used to cure diseases, provide mobility to the disabled, and helping us to understand human life. Artificial Intelligence in the medical field is one of the biggest advancements that we have today. One example of artificial intelligence in the medical field would be the HAL robot suit that was created by Cyberdyne. This suit was designed to improve physical capability. When a person attempts to move, nerve signals are sent from the brain to the muscles by a Moto neuron that moves the musculoskeletal system as a sequence. The HAL suit detects signals on the skin through a sensor and based on what signals were picked up will then move the joint unitedly with the personâ„ ¢s muscle movement. The HAL suit was designed to be used for paraplegics and other disabled people, heavy labor support at factories, and rescue support for disasters. The HAL suits are very beneficial and bring hope to the people who could benefit from it. The Creators of HAL have not only made robots to help the disabled but to also provide entertainment, such as a robot to play Ping-Pong with or a robot bartender who could mix and serve you any drink you wish. Although many people would love to benefit and own robots such as these I think the most important idea is to build and create robots to help humans with everyday problems such as medical illnesses or robots that could help keep the world safe. An example of advancement in the A.I. field of medicines would be the development of nanotechnology. Nano technology is the engineering of functional systems at the size of a molecule. Nano technology refers to the ability to construct machines at molecule size; which enables the use of delivering things such as medications to patients. For example, nanotechnology could deliver drugs, heat, light, or other substances to specific types of cells. In the understanding Nano article it explains how particles are engineered to be attracted to diseased cells, which allows direct treatment of those cells. This basically reduces the risks of damaging the healthy cells and allows for earlier detection of a disease that might be present. There are actually Nano sized particles that are under development to deliver chemotherapy medications directly to the cancer cells. According to CytImmune Scienceâ„ ¢s website the tests are in progress and pending the final approval for use on actual cancer patients, with this type of technology and development this could be huge break through in the medical field once the tests are proven accurate and the FDA allows further productions to the public. Another example of artificial intelligence is the development of a noninvasive brain implant. When I first started my research on this I was very surprised to read about it, I would have never thought that this could be possible. Basically the brain implant is implanted on the actual skull but is completely covered by skin, this enables the paralyzed person to think a movement because the implant picks up on the sensors within the personâ„ ¢s skin. This implant is called the BioBolt. According to Wise who is the founding director of the NSF Engineering Research Center for Wireless Integrated Microsystems (WIMS ERC) The Ultimate goal is to be able to reactivate paralyzed limbs, by picking up neural signals from the brain cortex and transmitting those signals directly to muscles. Even though researchers say the technology is years away, with the continuing of the research and furthering with the development it could come sooner than we all think, BioBolt could help with controlling epilepsy and other diseases such as Parkinsonâ„ ¢s. Although artificial intelligence is and can be beneficial on a medical standpoint it could also be beneficial to the civilian world, all the possibilities can provide such as labor work or machines that can do handy stressful tasks that would need more than 1 human. A.I. could make life a whole lot easier, there are already robots that can play ping pong against a human, play chess against a champion chess player, but what if we had robots to help with construction on roads or houses. What if we had robots to do most of our handy work in half the time that a human could An interesting robot I found was in the form of a fish. The Japanese government is funding this robot in order to protect the waters from leaking contaminants from Fukushima. This underwater robot was designed to be completely waterproof and can actually swim like a real fish. The fish is also equipped with a pollution-detecting instrument within and a WIFI module that sends data to its user. This would be completely handy and less dangerous compared to sending an actual human to check out the leak and depending on how far down it is could depend on how much money is being used to fund that particular project. Further development of this project sounds completely harmless and beneficial to the humans and our waters. Artificial Intelligence could be the development into the future; with all these technological advancements coming out now I wouldnâ„ ¢t be surprised to see a huge A.I. breakthrough in our future. As for now we are currently surrounded by artificial intelligence, although it may not be in the form of robots we really do have it everywhere. A.I. in computer technology is in things such as our computers, our smart phones, even our blu-rays. Private sector companies have been attempting to make break through with science and technology, from the fast 3G capable cellphones, to the latest and greatest 4G. Private companies have been the leading the way due to vast amounts of private money and investors. With out the help from these entrepreneurs, our private lives would not have the capacity to allow for advanced technology in medicine, mobility to the immobile, and help us to understand human life.

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